Playing the role of an interior designer or even bored housewife, I created a meeting-living room with specially designed patterned fabrics. The patterns are made out of political parties logos that belong to the world's leading countries, as well as worldwide financial institutions. The logos intertwined in the patterns also invade a childlike video clip played in loop. Comfortably seating, the spectator is rocked by the video which sells him/her a better tomorrow.
M’improvisant décoratrice d’intérieur, voire femme au foyer chevronnée, j’ai créé un espace hybride, qui oscille entre la salle de réunion et le salon familial. Des logos empruntés à des organismes politiques et financiers servent de motifs décoratifs aux différents éléments de ce salon. Un clip vidéo, qui tourne inlassablement en boucle, nous vend des lendemains qui (dé)chantent.
Installation view and details at Goldsmiths University of London © Rebecca Lennon
Now all eyes are on us, video, 4'03''
Singer : Leyla Huysal
Music : Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod
Installation view and details at Musée d'Ixelles, Brussels © Dragan Markovic
Now, All Eyes Are On Us, September 24, 2017, Live Performance at Musée d'Ixelles, Brussels
Singer, pianist and composer - Leyla Huysal
Violinist - Richard Montgomery
Chorists - Claire Vailler and Valérie Leclercq
Lyrics and Production - Olivia Hernaïz
Hernaïz created an Airbnb bedroom with specially designed patterned fabrics. The patterns, however, are taken from the logos of various political parties, which when removed of context appear simplistic and even cute, featuring smiling suns, stars, palm trees, birds and other animals. While viewers are encouraged to get comfortable, lying in the bed, and watching a video that sells “a better tomorrow”, in getting comfortable, the viewer is confronted with his or her own passivity to the subliminal messages within each logo. As the Airbnb most likely will remain empty, the work criticises the utopian idea of the sharing economy.
Alex White
Annka Kultys Gallery courtesy
Airbnb Advertisement
At the Art Brussels Fair, the viewer is welcomed by a host. Entering the show house inhabited by the host, the viewer is invited to explore the room and lie on the bed while watching the video clip.
Installation view at Art Brussels © David Plas
Installation view at Art Brussels © Aude de Prelle
Installation view in the Art Contest window at Galerie Rivoli, Brussels Gallery Weekend, 2017